Friday, November 20, 2009

Ethics and Leadership

Let's Keep Things Ethical

Ethics is an incredibly important concept that is emphasized across the world. This issue focuses on the application of ethics in leadership. At the XCEL center, the main leadership model we focus on is the "Relational Leadership Model." There are Five main components, one of which is "ethics." play a significantly important role in developing leadership. Throughout this issue, you will see how important ethics is in various different industries and organizations. Look for interesting articles on business scandals, health care ethics, environmental ethics, plagiarism, ethics in Binghamton, interviewing ethics and good ethics related classes you can take at Binghamton University. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. It's still in the works, but here is a preview on the Plagarism Article:

    Plagarism at Binghamton

    Ethics can be defined as the concept of right and wrong in a moral sense. It is the standard used by society to make moral judgments on the actions of individuals. In a university setting, maintaining ethical boundaries is extremely important, because it is crucial in creating a positive work atmosphere and a level of honesty in academics. Without ethics, individuals can’t trust that their intellectual knowledge is safe from others.

    A classic example of ethics in question is plagiarism. It is easy for a student to purposely, or by mistake, compromise their academic integrity by not citing knowledge they obtained from others. Binghamton University gives students the benefit of the doubt, claiming that “the faculty assumes that themes, term papers…. submitted by the student represents the student’s own work” (Student 104). This statement indicates that the university trusts the students to be ethical when it comes to citing the works of others. The Binghamton University handbook goes onto say that students may receive “cooperation and assistance” from outside sources, however “such assistance should never be so complete or so detailed that the piece of writing becomes more the work of the person assisting than of the student” (Student 104). The question of ethics in this scenario of possible plagiarism becomes a question of judgment.

    Plagiarism is a serious ethical issue that could range from not citing work properly to straight out copying someone else’s work word for word. The Binghamton University handbook openly admits that there is “no set of written guideless” for every single violation (Student 105). However, the handbook serves as a guide for academic dishonesty involving “misappropriation of academic or intellectual credit to oneself” (Student 105). Essentially, the section of the handbook that discusses plagiarism serves as an ethical manual for students who could possibly be participating in the unethical act of plagiarism. The handbook outlines a basic ethical criteria for plagiarism, which includes “failing to acknowledge the source” or “relying on another person’s data…without credit” and “submitting another person’s work as one’s own” (Student 105).

    Maintaining a set of ethics in a university is extremely crucial in developing the environment of the college. Without ethics, it is easy for someone to publish a paper, only to have someone else copy the ideas from it, and claim it as their own. Even if an individual does not agree to a specific ethical code, he or she is required to abide by it if they have committed themselves to the institution that upholds the code. For example, a student attending Binghamton University is required to adhere to the ethical code the university promotes simply because they have decided to attend the school. By participating, or being a part of an institution, the individual is committing himself or herself to the ethics dictated by the university.

    Student Handbook 08-09. University of Binghamton. March 10, 2009.
